When I was growing up, Mom made the breakfast before we left for school each day. She would always make sure that we had a meal in our bellies ( 5 kids) before we left for the day. I recall Oatmeal as being the most used breakfast food in our house.
When I was in college, I found myself having to choose between sleeping in or getting up, dressed and then to the student diner for breakfast. Sleeping in always took the priority in my mind. Sleep was way more important than rushing to breakfast. Especially after a hard night of studying...( who am I kidding?!)
Today, Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I could skip the others, but not Breakfast. I am always in search of good breakfast places that serve more than bacon and eggs. Here is a list of some of my local favorites.
The Local Moose Cafe thelocalmoosecafe.com
Waterworks Cafe waterworkscafe.com
B & B Cafe & Grill bbcafeandgrill.com
Margie's Dream Diner facebook.com/Margies-Dream-Diner
The Red Barn Diner facebook.com/TheRedBarnDiner
Tuckers tuckersnh.com
Julien's Corner Kitchen facebook.com/Juliens
Chiggy's Place facebook.com/Chiggys-Place
Chez Vachon chezvachon.com
I am a 29 year seasoned Realtor serving the Manchester NH real estate community. Named in Barrons Business review, America's Best Agents, National Association of Realtors as a top producing local realtor. A professional leader in the community and speaker. My goal is to always be a positive influence and motivator on this journey of life.